Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Heart Restoration

Small and unexpected flash of insight this morning while doing a Kundalini yoga exercise for opening the heart: an open heart not only allows us to receive others and the world with curiosity and compassion, it also helps us feel old hurts we have (usually unconsciously) held there, and let them flow out with the exhale. No "once and for all" claims being made here- just an observation from the surprise of noticing small aches- like bruises on the heart- and letting them melt away to be replace with a rose-coloured wholeness. ~Oriah

I had labelled this photo from Karen Davis at Open Door Dreaming "Heart chakra" because of the stupendous colour- just seemed right for this post. :-)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Waking Up with Joy

Some days, grace saturates my dreams and follows me into wakefulness. And I am quietly alert, smiling even as I open my eyes filled with a joy that does not deny the pain of the world or the trials and tribulations of one small human being. And I am filled with awe at having a life to live, of being an ensouled body/embodied soul.

I cannot make this happen- it is a gift that cannot be earned. And, of course, there are other mornings, mornings when I wake up worrying for the world and those I love, trying to pull away from small aches or searing pain, wanting to lodge a complaint with Anyone-In-Charge.

Remembering this makes me smile this morning as I whisper into the half-light, "Thank you."  ~Oriah

Another spectacular photo from Karen Davis at Open Door Dreaming