week, at a downtown intersection, I saw three young adults carrying a large
banner. The message, printed in big block letters, called on folks not to hang onto or teach
prejudice and hate against transgendered people.
Now, I
support efforts to ensure the safety, well-being, and equal rights of all
individuals, regardless of sexual identity or preference. I smiled to see these
folks declaring their right to be. And then I noticed myself automatically and
semi-consciously trying to figure out the gender of those carrying the banner.
And that got me thinking about the way we unconsciously try to fill-in-the-blanks
about who others are (which no doubt is part of how we unconsciously calibrate
our inner or outer responses to them.)
recently been reading Born Liars by Ian Leslie. Leslie looks at how our
brains, drawing on past experience, take necessarily incomplete sensory data
and create a continuous, coherent picture or story that allows us to predict
what’s likely to happen next, and guides our response. It’s a useful and
necessary survival adaptation. When I see a car ahead of me speeding up to make
a yellow light and another vehicle moving to make an intersecting left-hand
turn, I slow down. I don't have to think about it- it's how our brains are wired.
But this
ability to create a whole from incomplete bits and anticipate a trajectory can
also stop us from being aware of those things that do not fit with past
experience and the resulting picture or story we’ve developed about reality.
And one of the biggest stories we are taught from early on is what it means to
be male or female, a boy or a girl.
definition of “transgendered” is someone who feels their inner gender
identification is different than the one which they were assigned at birth
based on their genitals. But the Oxford English Dictionary also includes: ". . . a person whose identity does not conform
unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but
combines or moves between these."
Hmmm. . .
. .In the early '70's I wanted to go to university and was told I couldn’t because I was a
girl. I was a long way from unambiguously identifying with
conventional notion (within my family and community) of what it meant to be female!
And yet, gender clearly remains a way by which I seek to identify others- no doubt linked to unconscious and semi-conscious beliefs about what it means to be male or female. I’m grateful to
the three young transgendered individuals for bringing this to my awareness,
for helping me question what I look for and to consider both the roots and reprecussions of my selective looking.
mindfully aware of what we look for and the story or picture we create from
what we see, might just make us more aware of what we’re missing. And that
could prevent a lot of unnecessary suffering for individuals and help us find
creative solutions for collective problems that we seem to futilely approach in
the same way again and again.
So, next time you meet someone or are just people-watching, notice what you
watch for, what intrigues or preoccupies you. No need for judgement- just gentle curiosity. Because in my experience, curiosity is
the doorway into mindful awareness that really does let us think "outside the
box" of our previous experience and unconscious assumptions. And who knows
where that might lead!
Oriah (c)