Lately I've been talking to trees. I live in a small apartment in downtown Toronto. For the first time in a year, I was allowed to open my balcony door. (It had been locked because of construction.) A few health snaffoos had made it difficult to get out for awhile so I was thrilled to be able to step out into the cool morning air. I just sat there and looked up into the trees -maple, oak, hemlock- in the small park right next to my building. I lost myself in the constantly moving light and shadow- a thousand shades of green. I felt each tree as a being, a presence reminding me of how I, like them, am a manifestation of the Mystery belonging to the Earth. I felt something I didn't even know was hanging on, let go in the centre of my body. I sat with the trees for a long time. And when I spoke the words arose of their own accord. softly spoken and salted with tears. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. ~Oriah (photo by Ian Patterson)